Tuesday, September 22, 2009

 And his came out backwards.  The finished painting is first and the pallet is second and the start of the painting is third. My mistake.  This painting will be on display at the Acton Memorial Library, in Acton, MA in Nov. and December for a landscape exhibit.  I hope you can make it.   Sale Price is:  $1050.00 plus shipping. 

This is my pallet on location for the landscape and next will be the painting.

Daily Paintings

Daily Paintings #4      In Sept. I head up north to paint.  This year I was in Brooklin, ME at a beautiful location with water on three sides.  This was a new place so I worried about finding views to paint.  This place was so ideal I painted there for 9 days and I did two paintings per day.  What a great experience.  In this blog I am showing how my pallet develops and my canvas.  I like to start with some crazy colors and finish with some actual colors.