Friday, January 15, 2010

At last I have a minute to update my blog. There are so many things to keep up with these days. I am on facebook, linkedIn, email and this blog. I teach at two places: DeCordova Museum School and the Corwin Russell School and I do private lessons out of my studio or in student's studios. I need time to paint!!! AS always. Here is a 38X38 inch painting of a pot. Sometimes the most straight forward subject matter can be the most interesting. I made it interesting by focusing on all the reflections on the surface. I love the challenge to get the reflections to wrap around the surface.

My latest paintings which I will post once I get photos of these, are an abundance of glasses, another dress painting, (another in a series) and 3 fried eggs. Believe it or not the last painting I dreamt about and had to do a painting of this. It's funny how my brain works. The painting is 36X36 and I loved all the blisters and brown crust that I had to paint to create an illusion of three fried eggs. Subject matter is everywhere!!! Just look around.

And finally an announcement:
Is Proud to Announce the Addition of Jill Pottle to our Roster of New England's Finest Artists
Canvas Fine Arts Group represents some of the most exciting, emerging and established artists in New England. Please stay tuned to future Canvas Fine Arts Group e-mails to be the first to know about shows featuring these fantastic talents.

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