I have great hopes for this coming year. I am hoping to relaunch my web site with new artworks finished this summer. I had some great break throughs in painting and I am feeling my work is getting stronger and more of what I am looking for. I am hoping to also get help with social networking, so keep an eye out for that. Probably a new blog as well. New and improved. And perhaps venture into a new part time job. So lots of exciting things to look forward to. Keep an eye out.
I have been teaching now for almost 35 years and I am surprised to see that enrollment is so low these days. It seems that students are not out there taking as many classes as years ago. As I always say that the students make the workshops and the classes what they are. Students are the ones that generate excitement and inspiration in classes. Every student counts for their consistency in a class and contributions to each and every class. Don't forget to support the arts. We need our creativity to fill our souls and to nurture ourselves and the planet. It's all about process, appreciation and aesthetics. Don't forget to sign up and don't delay.
My work is going to be displayed at the Three Stones Gallery in W. Concord for only one more week. Stop by. It has been a very successful exhibition with lots of good sales. It is still up and 10% off till it closes.
New Job? I am going to explore and enter into the world of elder care. It is a much needed service as we all grow older. I am just at the beginning of exploring this.
More blogs to come. If you have any demos you are looking for, contact me and I will put up some new ones on this blog. More soon.